Drone attack kills 12 in NWA

Peshawar—Without caring a fig about the sanctity of Muslim’s holy monthof Ramazan, the American spying planes again struck in North Waziristanagency Saturday night killing at least 12 people and wounding a coupleothers seriously. Some officials claimed a known Taliban Commander AmirMoawia is among the dead.

Reports reaching here from MiranShah the headquarters of North Waziristan agency said the notorious USdrone or the pilotless planes, which have been on the killing spree inPakistani northern belt for the last couple of years, targeted acompound in Essori village of Tehsil Mir Ali some 25 kilometers east ofMiran Shah with hell fire missiles razing the compound to ground.

“TheAmerican planes fired at least two missiles at a house around 9.30 PMwhen people were offering prayers playing hell in the vicinity as thepeople busy in Traveeh prayers in the area were harassed and gonepanicky by the attack”. Residents said adding as many as 12 people werereported killed and at least two more received serious injuries. Thelocals, as the reports said, rushed to the site of the missile attackamid fear and retrieved the dead bodies from the rubble.

Theintelligence officials confirming the incident said they have thereports that a dozen people were killed in the attack and the deathtoll may rise adding the Taliban commander Amir Moawia was also killedin the Saturday’s fresh attack.

The predator planes went forthe adventurism in the holy month of Ramazan when the faithfuls arefasting though this time they struck in Waziristan after a relativepause.

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